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Humidity is one of the main causes of deterioration of some electronic materials, household materials or objects that require good storage and transport.

This phenomenon in excess can cause adverse and harmful effects for the health of people and the environment. From fungi or mould, to risks of accident or collapse in case they are located on the walls of a house. They are also a possible breeding ground for insects such as pests or bedbugs. That is why it is recommended to use a humidity stabiliser to maintain a constant humidity. This can be achieved with Propadyn’s humidity stabiliser.

With this humidity stabiliser it is possible to keep the humidity inside closed rooms at constant values. The device is ideal for the most demanding storage and transport requirements, as well as for the preservation of objects.

The product allows the humidity to be regulated gradually and continuously to the desired value, without the use of electric current and over a long period of time. When the humidity rises inside an enclosed space, the device gradually absorbs the excess. Otherwise, Propadyn expels humidity. In this way, the constant humidity of the goods is maintained at all times.

The moisture stabiliser can be in contact with foodstuffs, as it is made of food ingredients. It is also a bio-compatible and regenerative product.

An ideal solution for humidity control without the need for electrical connection.

estabilizador humedad