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Temperature Indicators - WarmMark | ColdMark

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Temperature indicators let you control at all times the temperature swings in the products during transport and storage. With WarmMark and ColdMark you can monitor and control both the cold chain like any other range of temperature oscillation.



WarmMark temperature indicators and ColdMark are a simple and inexpensive way to record any variation of minimum or maximum limits previously established temperature and revealing quickly, while receiving the goods, any malfunctions in the cooling systems or insulation containers.

Ideal for cold chain control in food and pharmaceutical supplies.


The WarmMark and ColdMark control devices are ideal for products that modifies their properties when exposed to certain temperatures.

  • Pharmaceutical industry: vaccines, drugs, serum, insulin, laboratory tests
  • Food: temperature sensitive (chocolate, pastries, …), food perishables (dairy and oil products, fruit, vegetables, …)


Depending on what you need you precise one device or another:

  • ColdMark: freezing indicators indicate when the temperature drops to a certain point. Point to irreversibly change the color of liquid containing, if the product has been exposed to freezing. Available for various temperatures (-3, 0, 2 ° C, 5 ° C, 10 ° C)
  • WarmMark: Flags said it has exceeded a certain temperature. Available in various temperatures from -18 ° C to 37 ° C, being 8 ° C and 10 ° C most often used to cold chain control.
  • WarmMark Duo: Indicating the approximate time it has lasted exposure to excessive temperature, allowing more accurately assess the possible damage sustained to the products during these time intervals. Controls the time exposed to more than 10 ° C and 34 ° C if exceeded.
  • WarmMark Long Run:Indicators with temperatures at 10 ° C and 31 ° C activation, showing the time that has been exposed to excessive temperatures for 7 days.

You can also consult more information on the manufacturer’s website at this link.

Check with us the indicator you need for your products.

ColdMark Temperature indicator
WarmMark Temperature indicator
Warmmark duo Temperature indicator
WarmMark Long Run